Hello and welcome to my website. I’m a marketer and an entrepreneur with a passion for fintech.
I believe that financial services are good for individuals and for society. They help protect people’s possessions through insurance, protect their health and their families through medical and life assurance, protect their savings through investments and help make everyday life easier and more efficient through banking.
However, I also believe passionately that profit should be a by-product of giving customers a better product, service or experience. Not every part of the industry seems to share that view and this website is my small contribution to the effort to change financial services for the better.
My first love is marketing and I still annoy my colleagues by trying to get too involved in the marketing strategy. Fortunately, I work with some great people who are equally obsessive about putting the customer first.
The first question I ask is ‘what’s the customer problem we’re solving?’ Far too many would-be entrepreneurs come up with solutions to problems that no-one has, or – if they do – they aren’t prepared to pay for the solution.
I like building businesses. I really enjoy the early stage development of new businesses when they are in hyper-growth mode. I’ve moved on from executive roles to non-executive where, hopefully, my experience and expertise can add some value to the great executive teams I work with in Australia and the middle east.
If you’re doing something interesting in fintech, tell me about it.
Don’t take my word for it (or - indeed - anything)
Here’s some quotes from people about me ...

I first met Anthony when he was a humble, meek and mild marketeer. He then launched a bank. Then not one or two banks, but three! From a mere marketer, he became a global entrepreneur, launching banks here, there and everywhere. What amazed me is that, in that process, he still remained humble, meek and mild (cough). A wonderful chap who I thoroughly endorse as someone worth talking to about strategy, life, the future and, oh yes, of course, rock and roll.
Chris Skinner
Chair of the European networking forum The Financial Services Club, Chair of Nordic Finance Innovation Non-Executive Director of the Fintech consultancy firm 11:FS. Voted one of the most influential people in banking

Nobody in the world except Anthony Thomson has built 3 new challenger banks. Nobody. But, what is most unique about Anthony is the fact that with each new bank he has founded, he has never forgotten that the way to succeed is to put the consumer at the center of the business plan and never settle for crappy marketing.
Jim Marous
Financial Industry Publisher, Global Speaker, Podcast Host and Co-Publisher at The Financial Brand

AT and I go way back. From our first onstage debate over Metro Bank’s branch strategy vs Moven’s digital chops in Greece, to appearances in Dubai, London, Australia and elsewhere. I count him as a friend, and I rate him as one of the most consistent performers when it comes to real banking reform and leadership. I count it as one of my most significant achievements that I got him from his pro-branch stance to being a world leader in the digital space – he must have really been listening during all those onstage debates …
Brett King
Author – Bank 4.0: Banking Everywhere Never at a Bank, Founder – Moven | Host – Breaking Banks Fintech Radio

I had the great pleasure of meeting Anthony at the time in which the UK banking market was going through significant transformation and his grasp of the circumstance and what could be done to win in the changing environment was second to none. AT is incredibly knowledgeable, well-connected and gets things done. And, although his choices of old-world wines can be occasionally dated, and inferior to new world viniculture, I would absolutely do business with AT again.
Jeff Yabuki
Chairman and CEO

We, as colleagues, have watched Anthony become a substantial figure internationally, and a leading thinker in financial services marketing.
Now, we can look forward to sharing his ideas, insights, and attempts at humour, online.
John Seilis
The Financial Services Forum

I am delighted AT is setting about creating yet another game-changing enterprise. Primarily because he is doing it 10,000 miles away. I would have to concede no one has done more to develop marketing in UK Financial Services, but very, very reluctantly.
Keith Carby
co-founder, The Financial Services Forum. Leadership roles in several Wealth Management businesses including Allied Dunbar, J.Rothschild Assurance (now St. James’s Place) and Openwork

Anthony Thomson has spent his career challenging the status quo and redefining what banking is - and we are all better off as a result.
Dame Jayne-Anne Gadhia
Founder and Chair, Gadhia Consultants and CEO, Virgin Money 2007-2018

Anthony sits on the Advisory Board for our digital mobile-only bank ila. His involvement in the journey of ila has been pivotal, he has helped drive the success of ila. Anthony has added immeasurable value and inspired the young team to push for continuous innovation and deliver added value to our customers. He is driven, innovative and inspiring coupled with a sense of humour and humility that is rarely seen. I am honoured to know Anthony and it is always a pleasure to work with him.