Over the years I’ve presented at a lot of events. At the last count it was over 25 countries on all five continents. My main areas of interest are banking, financial services, marketing and entrepreneurship.
I'm developing a series of presentations based upon lessons I've learnt in business that apply to life
I occasionally speak at commercial events for a fee. The less interesting the event the more I charge. If it’s somewhere nice I might do it for nothing. I’m always willing to speak at school charity or university events for free.
I’m not as popular as Brett King or Chris Skinner, but I’ve got more hair than Brett and more tee-shirts than Chris…

"We have booked over 500 Speakers from around the globe in the past 15 years and Anthony Thomson is without doubt one of the top 5 we have ever booked and re-booked. he certainly knows how to Enthuse and Edutain your audience."